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June Racing

  • 14 Jun 2021 9:15 PM
    Reply # 10637685 on 10637097
    Mark Bussard (Administrator)

    The Buzzards Bay Blast is on! We have the 3 boat minimum registered so let's get more boats out here on the Bay. 

    Post race gathering at Bob Gleason's is not in the mix this year, but Alex B. has offered to host a post race get together.  Alternative options can be a raft up in Mill Pond / Red Brook Harbor just across the bay from the finish. It is a great destination location with nice anchoring and the Chart Room at Kingman Yacht Center not far away.  

    Let us know if your joining the event and we can figure out what works best for everyone.

    NOR & SI's are attached here & going out in e-mail. Watch your e-mail for those details or click on the link provided below.

    1 file
  • 14 Jun 2021 5:11 PM
    Message # 10637097
    Andrew Houlding (Administrator)

    The first regatta of the 2021 season is completed, as Spring Off Soundings was held this last weekend.  Next up is the Buzzards Bay Blast and the Block Island Race Week. 

    Jay Spalding dominated the fleet at the SOS, and I mean the entire fleet of about 80 monohulls and a paltry 3 multihulls.  The multihulls started last of 11 classes, each separated by five minutes.  The Friday race was 21 nautical miles in about 12 knots; Jay's F25C, Blue Moon, passed every boat on the course.  Alex Bocconcelli's Blackbird was second, and Skedaddle third.  Saturday's race was shorter at 11 miles and in lighter air, averaging about 6 knots.  Jay said he needed another mile to catch and pass all other boats, but he convincingly won the regatta in our multihull division.  Skedaddle moved up to second place and took second for the regatta, putting  Blackbird  in third.  At least with such a small turnout all skippers got a place on the podium, but -- where is the competition?  I know that one SOS multihull registrant sustained major damage before the race and withdrew; we were looking forward to seeing a Corsair 37 on the course but they did not show. 

    I see that the bigger multihulls are doing BIRW June 21-25: Tom Lee's  Gunboat 55, Jammy; Seamus Hourihan with another Gunboat 55, Thirst;  Todd Slyngstad's HH66, NEMO; and Jim Gibson's TF10, Thunder and Lightning.  Watch out if there's a good breeze on, the TF10's are superfast once they are foiling.  

    The Buzzards Bay Blast June 19-20 is in sharp contrast to BIRW: no sponsorship from Jimmy Buffett/Margaritaville, but Bob Gleason always organizes a picnic/barbecue at the Gleason homestead.  The entry fees are proportionately lower, somewhere down near the zero dollars mark.   It's a casual event with a good distance race in the bay.  Contact Mark Bussard for details.  

    Make sure your calendars are marked for our big summer event, the Black Dog Dash, the weekend of July 24-25.  The party is on, the race is on, we will fill the beach outside the Black Dog Tavern with a raft of multihulls.  We'll see you there! 


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